Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My first submit on google adsense

Yesterday night, i'am trying to submit google adsense in my new blog site ( The first time i try to submit, it so difficult because so many of text that I should read (agreeement, etc). But like another lesson, the first is hard but the second time and next are so easy.
I use blogspot to make my first adsense, because blogspot owner is google. So it will be easy to rank in google search, and my google adsense can validate very soon on this blog. As i see in my new blog on that day, my google adsense come very quickly. This is the advantage of blogspot. If you use another blog such as wordpress, and so on, you must install plug in first before you can use adsense. With blogspot, you can make your web site for free and support by google.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pascal Principle

This day i create Pascal Principle Animation. It's look simply, but i'am sure this animation will useful for science student. I'am using flash CS4 to create it and just get a simple script to run this animation.

You can see my animation in here.


Denny Nugroho

Hello World!

Hi, i'am an indonesian. From now on I will post about animation and simulation in science education. Several of my posting will include script, link download, and everything that connected with education of science. Hope you will enjoy of my post.


Denny Nugroho